11 Easy Ways to Convince Yourself to Start Running: A Beginner’s Guide

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I know why you keep postponing your need to start running.

This is your mind: I can’t find the perfect time to fix a run, I don’t even know if I can do it, what will people say when they see me run?

And those are just three of the 50 excuses you tell yourself.

 How about this: Believe in yourself and start. You can become a solid runner. But you first need to start.

Here are 11 wonderful ways to convince yourself to start running:

  1. I Want to Run Because?

There are hundreds of reasons to start running, the most common being to improve your health, try something new, and feel good, but do these reasons mean something to you?

Through my time running, I’ve discovered that the best reasons to start running are the ones you are emotionally connected to.

For example, start running to set a good example for your kids. Let them know through you that maintaining a healthy weight is essential.

Or because you want that little you at 10 years old, to be proud of the person you are becoming.

When you find a good reason and put an emotional connection to it, you will feel empowered to start running.

Related: 9 Reasons to Run that Hold Endless Motivation

2. Buy Fancy Running Shoes

You know, those that you can’t wait to run in because of how good they look.

Those cool shoes might be the only push you need to start running.

Also, make sure they are comfortable, and lightweight and have a thick midsole to cushion your feet as they consistently hit the ground when running.

The white part is the midsole.


3. Start with One Day

Call it a try-out to test how the run will feel.

On this day, run slow (jog) and breathe through your nose and mouth. Deep breathing equals running energy.

After that run, focus on the next day’s run and the next.

Before you know it, you will have run for a whole week and looking forward to the next run.

4. You are a Runner

You are a runner, whether you run slow or fast, short or long distances, you are a runner. So keep running.

5. Participate in a Race

Register for a race to run for fun. Take a friend with you and take the run as an adventure.

The satisfaction of being surrounded by other runners will make you feel like you belong in running and could be the motivation you need to start.

Related: 5 Most Breath-taking Running Events in Kenya

6. Buy a Running cap

Running caps

 Remember that question of wondering what people will say when they see you running? People say you shouldn’t care about people’s opinions, but the truth is, we care.

So, how can we deal with this situation?

Include a running cap as you shop for running gear

A running cap will keep the sun, wind, sweat, and people off your face. It will give you the confidence to start running because many people won’t recognize you.

7. Ask a Friend Or Join a Group

It is easier to be shy together than alone.

Like a running cap, a friend or running group will help boost your confidence to run outside. Besides that, they will make the run fun as you talk and cheer each other on.

Related: How to Find a Running Group Near You and The Benefits of Running Together

8. Run on Saturday

Saturdays are good for running as there are few distractions on the road (school buses, vehicles, motorbikes, people).

Also, you’re probably not going to work.

9. Add Running to Your Values List

Personal values are principles that guide our actions and define who we are. For example, honesty, respect, family time, church attendance, etc.

We hold our values dear to us.

What if you make running one of your values?

Before you take care of your day’s activities, you will take care of yourself first by running for 20-30 minutes.

Once you view it this way, you will never again have trouble starting anything you want to do, let alone running.

Related: 9 Core Values That Will Make You a Life-Long Runner

10. Choose to Start

Don’t start running because you must; start because you choose to.

Running is not a duty; it is a priviledge.

11. Run Because You Can

Some people would want to start running but can’t. Be grateful that you can.

You can because you have a healthy pair of legs and a functioning heart and lungs to support running.

So, go out and run already. No more procrastination.

Now I’d like to hear from you.

What other tips would you add to this list that can help someone start running?

Please comment below.

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